
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Oh Yeah, and a Few More Things

Forgot some things:

I never described the guys who ran the Hiker Welcome Hostel, where I took an aftertoon siesta. Imagine being fed endless ice cream by two slightly different versions of Santa Clause, both of whom probably road managed for Black Sabbath, or possibly Alice Cooper.  That ought to give you the general idea.

I stopped yesterday at the house of a man named Bill Ackerly. He puts up signs on the A.T. advertising free water and an ice cream sandwhich, and we come like moths to the flame. Bill sat out on his porch and chewed the fat with me for a while. He is a man of the sort that I only seem to see in New England: checkered shirt, suspenders, wiry thin and tall with a strong, rough grip. Wispy thinning hair and thick, coke bottle glasses that were probably prescribed around 1982. He gives the impression of being a human piece of beef jerky, and when the world is ashes and dust it will probably just be Bill and the cockroaches, sitting around eating ice cream and talking about how bad the weather is.

I'll be in Vermont tomorrow. IN YO FACE New Hampshire.

The Five Hundred Mile mark is about three or four days away. I feel like this needs a celebration but I'm not sure exactly how. Maybe some food item packed into the woods with me and saved for that moment? Possibly a pie of some kind?  Any ideas, people? Leave a comment.

This should come as no shock to anyone, but I need a shower. I often think my legs are tanned until I pull my socks off and I realize: Oh yeah. That's not tan. That's fiflth. Women, feel free to throw up now. Men, try to contain your jealousy.

I'm daydreaming about pie lately. Strawberry or mixed berry. I need some pie, and I need it bad. See above comment.

I've invented another piece of trail gear: Ultra light camp shoes. Most people have sandels or crocs, I have two discarded boot insoles and one shoe lace that I made straps with. Total weight? Less than an ounce. Wham, Bam, thank you ma'am, I am the ultralight masta! Walking into town my pack was 25 pounds.

Okay, Okay, I'm done. More tomorrow.

Happy Trails (again)



  1. We miss you. I think key lime would be nice. Plan on ridiculous amounts of tacos upon your return.

  2. no question-you need to pack a blueberry pie for your 500 mark-go Pawn!!
