
Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Prezzies: Not an Award for Best Musical President

Well I managed to spend my entire zero day without thinking of anything interesting to write about. In fact, I didn't think about, or do, much of anything, It was amazing. I'm feeling strong, clean, full, and rested. My gear is repaired (as much as duck tape can repair these things) and the exhaustion has faded from my legs. I'm feeling ready for New Hampshire.

Kind of! NH is the hardest state on the trail, and for good reason...

As soon as I finish this post I'm going to step out the front door of the hostel and head off into the Presidential Range of White Mountain National Park. I will spend a large part of the next week above the treeline, exposed to the infamously unpredictable weather of this big daddy mountain range. Elevations change dramatically, the grades are steep, the terrain is harsh, and the places to camp, or even get shelter from a storm, are extremely limited. Sort of like Southern Maine, only less moose and more tourists taking gondala rides.

It's about seven days to the next major resupply point in North Woodstock, NH. So expect a huge post at that point. Gotta go. The trail calls. Plus I'm excited about lunch. I got some summer sausage and chedder cheese.

--Happy Trails

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying following along. You inspired me to go get some summer sausage and cheese.
