
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Notes From Pleasant Pond Mountain

Woke up this morning to find that despite all the precautions you can possibly take, rodents had raided my food bag and stolen my m&ms and nibbled on a bagel. Luckily for the mice they didn't touch my snickers bars. If they had I very well might have set fire to the shelter in retribution.

An paltry nine mile day today, four of which was climbing to the top of pleasent pond mountain.  I have a one and a half mile descent, after which I will camp on one of Maine's many lakes. Might even go for a swim!  Roughly two weeks left in Maine...and then come The Whites. Already they loom over me, psychologicaly if not physically. Phone battery is getting low so the next post might come in four or five days after ressuply in Stratton. 
Happy trails--


  1. Sounds like you are having a jolly good time ol boy. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to a weekend hike when you hit north GA.

    Levi Gentry

  2. Your posts always make me laugh. Not because you're being attacked by critters, but because youre okay with it and you can laugh at it yourself. Thinking about you and praying for safe travels!

    The Floyd's
