
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Getting Myself Out There

I read an article recently that listed the "Top Five Things You Should Be Doing (Other Than Job Searching)".

Number three was "use social media and blogging to network and create awareness of your employment needs." The article also mentioned that writing about being unemployed might be therapeutic.

Hi folks. Welcome back to the Jaunt...version 2.0.

So, it's been almost three months to the day since I finished hiking the Appalachian Trail. What have I been doing since then? Job hunting. How's it going?

Ehh...not so great. It's the hardest job market since the Great Depression, no kidding. And it's not like I'm trained for, oh say, generic middle management. I have a very specific skill set that severely limits my options.

Another problem is that I'm looking for work in a very specific area: Cleveland, Ohio.

Fun Facts about Cleveland, Ohio:

1) It was named after a guy named Moses

2) It is a major hub for iron ore shipped from Minnesota

3) It is the 45th Largest City in the country

4) It is kind of hard to find fun facts about Cleveland

I kid, folks. Cleveland actually seems like a pretty groovy place, and if you know anyone in the area, drop my name, won't you? Thanks.

What else? Well, while I've been job hunting I've been freeloading off some friends of mine, Nick and Quel Ramey. I have a bed and a toilet and food. Not bad. I've also been picking up the odd freelance gig and handyman work from time to time. I plan on writing about all of this in the future, today is kind of a "welcome back" post.

Here's the deal. Being unemployed is weird. It just feels weird. It feels useless and emasculating and frankly depressing. But luckily, I think weird is funny. And plenty of funny things have happened to me because I'm unemployed. Consider this blog to be a chronicle of those things.

 I realize this is kind of a stretch, but you got to take your giggles where you can find em, folks.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy reading about my problems. I promise never to whine too much.

But I just may ask to sleep on your couch and have access to your fridge...metaphorically speaking*.


*Except for you, Nick Ramey. In your case, I meant it literally. As you know.

1 comment:

  1. Luckily the fridge is full ;-) You just may need to walk the dog from time to time!
