
Thursday, September 20, 2012

The South

The day before yesterday our little hiking collective walked all day in the rain, twenty four miles of cold wetness, to put us firmly over the halfway mark. Along the way we passed about ten other southbounders who were holed up in shelters staying dry.


The first half of this great adventure ( mile wise) is over, and I will post some interesting stats I've been compiling once I get to Harpers Ferry. Time wise, I'll only be out here for another month and a half. Thanksgiving is going to be an epic feast.

Another notable occasion yesterday as I crossed into Maryland and over the Mason-Dixon line. I am officially back in the South ya'll. Looking forward to the beauty of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee.

Forty miles in Maryland, and then I'm in Harpers Ferry, where I get to see Rachael! Look for the giant halfway there post and a map update on the 22nd. (If I can drag myself out of the shower long enough to do any writing...things have been a little chilly lately and I'm ready for some hot steam!)

See ya then!
Happy trails!

1 comment:

  1. congratulations, Pawn!!! Today is official "Second Breakfast Day" in the Shire-hope you can treat yourself!
